RSA: Skills and SETA Specific Reports
The following is only applicable to users licensed for Tax Country: South Africa and for the Skills Module.
The access to all Seta Specific Reports has changed.
Access to the Seta Specific Reports used to be determined by the access to the Skills Module items.
As from this release:
Advanced Access Control > Advanced Page 4 > Report Print Level (3rd 200) must be set to Level 5 and Report Maintenance (3rd 200) must be set to Full Access.
If you are a Super User, this is accessable from:
Company Listing Screen > Access Control > enter past message and select Super User or other applicable use.
To access the Skills Plans from the Main Menu > Skills > Workplace Skills Plans.
Occupational Categories are no longer required when setting up Skills Plans, therefore, we no longer display them.
The <Generate Plan> button has also been removed.
Release 5.4b:
The SETAs have almost all moved to external systems for WSP and ATR Submissions. Therefore, they no longer publish any information on their websites regarding the requirements for the WSP and ATR Submissions.
The only way to gather information regarding SETA changes is to get information from the SETA themselves or from clients. The SETAs generally do not share the information unless you are registered with them.
Based on the above, we can no longer guarantee that the information we provide aligns with the Seta requirements and we can also not guarantee that our interpretation of inclusions and exclusions are correct.
Therefore, we have decided to include a disclaimer on all the Seta Specific Report selection screens.
We have removed all references to dates on the Seta Specific Reports.
Please ensure that you have selected the correct Skills Plan when printing your Seta Report.
The ATR date of the Skills Plan determines the data for the report.
Next year, we will refer to the ATR Date of your selected plan on the first sheet of the report.
When your Seta Specific Report opens, the template name will no longer refer to the current year.